Gov. Quinn: Never Visited Jacksonville Or Murray Developmental Centers

Under the direction of Governor Pat Quinn, Illinois is closing another state facility for people with severe developmental disabilities. He shuttered the Jacksonville Developmental Center last year. Next, is the Murray Developmental Center, in Centralia. But he admits he has never been to either.

Rita Winkeler, mother of Murray Developmental Center resident Mark Winkeler, questions Gov. Quinn about his decision to close the state institution her son calls home.

Rita Winkeler, mother of Murray Developmental Center resident Mark Winkeler, questions Gov. Quinn about his decision to close the state institution her son calls home.

Governor Pat Quinn was walking toward the Capitol Thursday when he was confronted by Rita Winkeler.

WINKELER: “It is not safe, one size does not fit all…”
QUINN: “Well I understand that.”

Winkeler’s son, Mark, is 28-years-old…

“He functions like a nine-month old, has an IQ of twelve, needs total round the clock care, diaper changing, feeding, clothing.”

Like the kind care she says he gets at Murray.
Winkler says Quinn might realize that if he ever saw it firsthand.

VINICKY: “Governor, actually have you visited Murray Center, or Jacksonville Developmental Center?”
QUINN: “I made a decision based on what I think was right for the people of Illinois, it’s not an easy decision but a necessary one.”
VINICKY: “But did you visit either of them ever?”
QUINN: “No. I have not. I’ve seen plenty of information about it.”

Quinn favors moving developmentally disabled individuals out of institutions and into smaller, community homes that he says maximize freedom and independence.
– Amanda Vinicky

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12 Responses to Gov. Quinn: Never Visited Jacksonville Or Murray Developmental Centers

  1. Pingback: Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Broken Illinois

  2. A Concerned Citzen says:

    How can Quinn sleep at night!

  3. kimberly dahl says:

    IT’S all about money Quinn dosent care about the residents at all or southern Illinois at all


  5. Linda Brown says:

    Gov. Quinn visited Howe Center a State Operated Developmental Center before he closed it. Howe was centrally located in Tinley Park close to parents and guardians. The homes and support for our children was better than anything we saw in the community. No one advocating community placement mentions Transfer Trauma that some of our children suffer when moved from a State Developmental Center. This is a nice way of saying that they die. The Governor’s Rebalancing Act is taking a choice away from people who desperately need the services that all State Operated Developmental Centers like Jacksonvill and Murray provide for our children.

  6. stacey smith says:

    Sad…sad commentary Gov.Quinn….There will be terrible consequences from your decision…and shame on you for not even visiting these facilities but rather going on the word of your henchmen…yes southern Illinois will be a ghost town…no jobs, no business, no economy and a mad rush to sell homes…but unfortunately no buyers….I mean who is going to move here? So thanks Gov. Quinn as I was one who elected you into office and this is the repercussion of that mistake…..No wonder Illinois politics is the disgrace that it continues to be…..the lowest credit history in the nation…I will not vote for you again and once Murray Center closes I no longer wish to live in this God forsaken state. These Murray residents’ lives will never be the same nor will their families who will have to continually worry about the safety and well-being of their loved ones.

  7. Sandra Hecox says:

    How this man stays in office I can not understand. These are the kind of people that are ruining our Country. Our elected officials do not have the compassion and concern that God commands of us. All those people that need the services of our facilities have been thrown to the wolves. These so called elected men should be treated the same way.

  8. Vicki says:

    I would like to know how maximising freedom and independence will help Ms Vinickys child? Not to mention the other clients they serve.

  9. Mary Brickley says:

    Have there been any studies done on how the residents lives were impacted by the move? How many actually survived the move? What is their care like in the community? Is the staff trained properly and enough staff? How is the state funding used? Are they held to the same standards as state run facilities? Do they have more independence and freedom? Are the families of these residents able to visit or is it farther away? Where are the residents of Howe, Jacksonville and now Murray living at now? Does Quinn have this information? I would like the answers to these and more questions!

  10. Sandy says:

    Dear God, please watch over these misplaced residents. Give us the strength and knowledge to help them. In Jesus name I Pray and give you the Thanks. Amen

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