Quinn Won’t Comment on Madigan Run for Governor

Attorney General Lisa Madigan says she’s considering a run for governor.

That would mean a primary fight against incumbent Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn, who says he wants to keep his job. But Quinn declined to talk about it Tuesday after a summit meeting on ways to prevent violence in schools.

QUINN: “Well, I’m not really doing politics right now. I think it’s better to do policy. Today we talked about school safety. That’s — a couple million children in Illinois go to school, and I think it’s important for a governor to focus on that. There’ll be plenty of time for politics later on.”

The field of Democrats eyeing Quinn’s job also includes Bill Daley — the onetime White House chief-of-staff and brother to former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. Despite a long career in business and government, running for governor would be Bill Daley’s first campaign for major office.

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